Take a mental health test participants are trained by experts at the hospital and provide knowledge and understanding. Working characteristics who are at risk of helping and prevent danger to VIPS.
Provide knowledge about personality development, standing, sitting, using words as standards. Taking care of VIPS services and learning techniques for coordinating with government agencies and the private sector.
Information technology enhances knowledge about modern technology to be up-to-date and applied in protection work to maintain the safety of VIPS.
Principles of tactical first aid, vital signs, moving the injured, and resuscitation by the rescue team from the department of medical services. The ministry of public health is ready to practice in the field with human puppets virtual reality training to save the lives of VIPs.
In the field of self-defense and increasing physical fitness, take a physical fitness test and practice physical exercises every day. During the training to enhance body strength performance and prepare to take the test physical fitness before completing the course according to standard criteria.